What the heck is Twitter??
A few weeks ago, I found myself relaxing on vacation in Oregon. It was a rainy day, and aside from suduko and naps, we were running out of stuff to do. So, Bruce and I decided to sign up for Twitter, and give the service a try.
Twitter is a “micro-blogging” service. You get 140 characters in each “post” and you can update as often as you want. Each post should, generally, just be the answer to the question “What are you doing?”
So, I’ve been tweeting and having a ball for the last month or so, why post about this now? Well Rockclimbergirl wrote a great post yesterday called Twitter 101 for us outdoorsy types. She goes over the basic premise, why she likes the service, and all of the fun tools and toys to help tweet. I can add that I have an iGoogle twitter widget on my homepage, and I use Twitteriffic from my iPhone for updates.
So check out Sara’s blog post, and consider adding a tiny bit of twitter to your daily routine. It’ll be fun, I promise!
hey guys. I lost your number – i just got back from another sailing trip. Newport RI to bermuda then on to st martin. Sailed about 1800 nautical miles (mark i know your doing the math – and no the navy seals did not try to sneak on the boat – and no this boat didn’t leak) i have some really really big news – no i’m not getting married again – i would love to catch up – email me you number