Not Everyday is Awesome
When you’re out adventuring with a kiddo, you never really know what you’re about to get. Sometimes it’s a sunny day full of dirt and giggles, and sometimes it’s an hour of crying for no reason before you pack it up and head home.
At the beginning of February, my college buddy Weeks stopped in to visit us for a weekend just after we got a big dump of snow. We rented him a set of snowshoes and headed up to a local favorite hike for a day of snow and sun. G was decked out in his snowsuit, hats, gloves, capilene base layer, and even his favorite blanket came along for the ride in the backpack.
But the day was super sunny and warm. We all stripped out of most of our layers, and G just cried and cried in the backpack this time. We tried pulling layers off of him, putting layers on, giving him water and food, walking until he fell asleep, but nothing would calm him down on this trip. Looking back on it, I think the sun reflecting off the snow was just too bright for him. One thing we didn’t bring for the kiddo: sunglasses.
We tried everything we could think of, but G just wasn’t happy until we were back in the car 45 minutes later. It would have been a beautiful day, and the little bit of snowshoeing we did was really fun. But, you can’t remember or predict or plan for everything in life. And this adventure was just another reminder that we’re a team of three now, and everybody needs to be up for the adventure. And have sunglasses!