More Kelvin-Helmholz Waves
My good friend Dougie B gave me a call while I was sniffling on the couch this afternoon and told me to run my sick butt outside into the cold and check out the cool clouds in the southwestern sky.
This was something I’ve never seen – wave clouds breaking in a clear blue sky. Usually there must be a whole lot of moisture around for something like this cloud to appear. There was some discussion as to whether these were originally triggered by a jet contrail or naturally occurring due to a layer of moisture in the air. Here is the sounding info from Denver this morning:
As you can see, there was a strong inversion over Denver this morning, way up at 400mb and some strong directional wind sheer associated with it, but that doesn’t make wave clouds break. What makes these clouds is the more subtle change lower down. Right around 600mb, there is an increase in relative humidity and a decrease in windspeed, but no change in wind direction. This little change can produce thin clouds. They break because the lower layer is moving slower than the upper layer, just like waves break on a beach as the lowest part of the water moves slower than the tops of the wave.
how i read this post:
oooooooooo! pretty! is that fake? no! it’s real! mother nature is so frickin’ cool! blah blah blah blah blah confusing chart another confusing chart blah blah blah blah Denver blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah beach man, a beach would be awesome right now i should check out prices for mexico…
Egad Brain! Brilliant!

Having read the Pentagons report on climate change and about the Air Forces goal to achieve total control of the weather by 2025, I have been curious about the tools that would be used to achieve such a goal. First I stubbled upon the HAARP (book-Angels Don’t Play This HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska. A six billion watt microwave heater.
I also discovered Tom Bearden and became aware of scalar wave technology and strange cloud signatures. Contrails dissipate rapidly, as with a corporate jet. Chemtrails are laid out in long lines, usually crisscrossing, and as they settle into the atmosphere they spread out forming very wispy cloud formations and general haziness and contain nanoparticles of barium and aluminum oxide and maybe more. I am now much more aware of my immune system and its maintenance.
There is a flickr member Jt747, I think, who has an awesome collection of photos of jets in the act of spraying.
If you find any research pro or con please share.
Namaste, ATP
Check out for insights (microscopic) as to contents of what is being sprayed. Correction to above flickr member it is jpro747 and Beardens web site is
What do you know about the gamma ray halo that was observed by the Compton Space Observatory and the relationship to the changes happening on every planet within the heliosphere as well as the sun?
Hi Ted, thanks for your comments!
I have to say that in my studies of Atmospheric Science, I have learned about attempts to modify weather through cloud seeding and such that did occur in Colorado in the 1970s. They were all done as part of research studies that were over short, specific periods and part of large flights of government owned aircraft so the effects could be well observed. Cloud seeding and weather modification is not done by commercial carriers because we would be unable to learn much about the results without flying an array of observational craft with each commercial jet.
As far as your question goes, I don’t know anything about a gamma ray halo, or changes happening on other planets (though, I would not doubt that they do, or seem to, as our observational tools change). Gamma rays have NO effect on weather on our planet as they do not penetrate the upper atmosphere of the Earth. Weather occurs in the troposphere (and occasionally lower stratosphere) which is generally below 30km. Gamma rays have very small wavelengths and thus interact with very small particles, such as atmospheric molecules. This means that the Thermosphere and ionosphere (well above 70 km) absorb, scatter and reflect all of the incoming gamma rays from space. Virtually none get down to the parts of the atmosphere with weather. So, I guess my answer is, I don’t know what you’re talking about or how it could possibly have anything to do with the cloud above.