Mark vs. Wild: The Rocky Mountains
So, last night I had a great time, and I finally put together the Mark vs. Wild video that I’ve had laying around for the last two months. I put it up on the video page, check it out! I apologize now for the constant girl-ish giggling of the camera-woman. I was just having too much fun, I guess.

It is a rather large file. Evidently adding the soundtrack, while lots of fun to do, made the file bloat a bit. Just be patient during the download, I guess.
I am aware of the fact that Mark and I are probably two of the total maybe 10 people in the world who Tivo Man vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel. We find it hi-larious, and fully entertaining. Poor Bear, he puts himself through so much trauma just in case we might someday get lost on a volcano in Hawaii.
Thus, if you’ve never seen the show, the video clip may not make a ton of sense (or be nearly as funny as it was for us to make it). There are clips of the show on the fansite, and here are a few more from You Tube: frozen Lake in the European Alps, bad night in the rainforest, and silly fun in the Moab desert.
Awesome! I’m waiting for the next episode!
That’s it, I’m crossin’ some frozen creeks this weekend…
Classic. I’m loving it!
Oh, that’s awesome! Calders on ice are always a good time.
Thanks everybody!! I’ll see what we can do about getting more episodes out (hopefully with less over-laughter by the camera woman, if I can control myself). We’re hoping to grapple such scary and important survival issues as: “How to dig a snow cave in your drive way” and “How to go to the bathroom in the snow.” Should be thrilling!!
Great! Good to hear that you guys are doing well. I wouldn’t worry about the giggling — it was probably my favourite part — nothing like the camera person being so overcome by the absurdity of it all.
As for Man vs Wild, I haven’t seen it, but my sister’s husband Tivos it constantly, along with the “I shouldn’t be alive” show, which is pretty much “You are too stupid to live” show.
Thanks Doug! I’m glad the laughing didn’t detract from the drama of the moment. :) If your sister’s husband also tivo’s it, that means the total number of known tivo-ers of Man vs. Wild is up to … 3! Maybe 10 was an over-estimate.