Nope, make sure you put that middle initial in there, the L, if you don’t it goes to some other jason tyler. (Who might be a gay porn star in Boston….)
A pair of climbers and geeks recently upgraded to parents and learning to adventure as a team of three!
It’s like there’s a little world in that glass ball.
Ya know, with all that Photoshop skill, you shoulda been a newspaper designer. Of course, you’d be miserable, but still…. NICE FRAKING Photoshop job.
(This coming from someone who has used Photoshop since you were laughing about Nick’s nose)
Hey Jason, did you get my email? Check your hotmail folders!
Nope, make sure you put that middle initial in there, the L, if you don’t it goes to some other jason tyler. (Who might be a gay porn star in Boston….)