High Winds
Ok, well, my forecast this morning BOMBED. BIG TIME.
I thought the chinook winds today were going to keep the skies clear and help the snow melt, but that didn’t happen. Instead, the storm moved east of us, and a little back-door cold-front brought another couple inches of snow to the Front Range.
I was angry at the snow this afternoon, so I took off for a little storm chasing. This shot was taken out north-east of Ault this evening. The windmills are actually in Wyoming, part of the Wyoming Wind Project. We are lucky to be able to pay a little more and buy wind power from the local electric utility. I think it’s interesting that many of these windmills weren’t running on a day like today when the wind was blowing at more than 50mph. Actually, when the wind blows too hard, the blades lock down for the safety of the machinery. Pretty cool deal.
Excellent picture! It looks from the clouds like the snow was angry back at you. Wind farms are cool. We have a few here in Southern California, and they look like big, weird wildflowers on top of the ridgelines.