December 6, 2006 at 9:16 am
Boy, no camera battery is really boring. I should dig out some older photos and post them. But, for now, I’m having fun just playing with the site. I added a new catagory where site update posts can be archived. If you look through these posts in the future, it will effectively be the same as the “What’s New!” section of the old site.
Also, due to a few requests, I’ve decided to experimentally turn back on comments. Feel free to let me know what you think about a post by clicking on the “comments” link below. Hopefully I’ll have better luck this time moderating the spam.
Update: Ironically, this post is getting more spam than any other! What is up with that? I’m dissallowing comments on this post for the time being. Sorry!
December 5, 2006 at 10:35 am
Well, the good news is it’s almost Christmas and life is busy with many wonderful things. The bad news is I lost the charger for my D70 battery and it went dead last week, so no new pictures until the new one comes from Amazon. Sorry.
On Saturday, I put my head down and set up the Movies! page (finally), so go check it out! We don’t have tons of footage just yet, but I’m hopping to add one or two clips from each trip in the future. Enjoy!
November 14, 2006 at 7:49 pm
Well, it’s finally working, and it’s great! Cyberhobo wrote this excellent WordPress plugin that takes location data associated with a post and plots it on a Google Map. I installed it on Colocalders, and you can check it out on the Adventure Map page in the menu to the left. Have fun!