We’re Back!

March 25, 2008 at 6:20 am

After transferring the site, moving the registration of our domain name, and then a lot of confusion as to what our “colocalders” address was pointing to, the site is now back up! So far, aside from the initial work, I am very happy with the performance of our new host. The site seems to be loading much faster for me, which is exactly what I was looking for.

Note to everybody: The blog is actually at a slightly different address (no “/blog” at the end of the site). You’ll have to un-subscribe and re-subscribe if you want your readers to have the correct feed.

The next step is to fill out the titles, descriptions and information for all of the images moved over to the new photo gallery. That’s going to take some time. But, you might notice, in order to save machine cycles I have resized all of the images in the gallery to about 75% smaller than they were before. I hope that’s ok.

Let me know if you find anything that isn’t working!